Financial Coaching Services


Many people find that the articles, reviews, templates, and strategies found here are all that they need to find freedom in their personal finances. But there are others who want a little more.

Have you ever wanted to sit down and talk to someone about your own financial struggles?
Someone to help you sort things out, to help you create or balance that budget and get you on the right track?
Or maybe even just have an extra set of eyes to help you see what you’ve been missing?

Then this service may be for you, or even someone you know. Let’s explore the financial coaching services that we offer at Simple Biblical Finance.

What is a Financial Coach?

A financial coach is someone who helps guide you through the storm. If you are struggling with budgeting, drowning in debt, dealing with collectors, facing foreclosure, considering debt-consolidation, or even contemplating bankruptcy, then you certainly could benefit from this service. Even if you aren’t facing those situations, a financial coach can usually help you avoid them altogether.

We are different from a financial adviser. While an adviser will occasionally ask you questions about your income, day-to-day spending, and general savings, that is not their primary focus. They mostly focus on your retirement, investment portfolios, the markets, and how to make you the most money possible. They are an incredibly valuable person that you should have on your financial team. Without them, you will still be dragging yourself to work when you are 78!

A financial coach, however, is there to help you with the day-to-day duties of financially managing your household well. We look at your overall situation, income, day-to-day spending, savings, debt, etc. and help you put together a plan, stick with the plan, and succeed with the plan to achieve your goals.

As a certified financial coach, I have been trained to help you deal with various situations and how to make sense of it all. Not only have I been trained, but I have also lived it, as you can read about in my personal financial journey.

I want you to know that I’ve been there and have faced every situation except for bankruptcy, and that’s only because we didn’t qualify. But it wasn’t from a lack of trying.

What Do We Offer?

We offer 1-hour sessions for singles, couples, or families where we will sit down either face-to-face (at a coffee shop, in the comfort of your home, etc.) or virtually (Jitsi, Zoom, or Skype) and go over your financial situation and help you create a plan that works for you and what you hope to achieve.

We will focus on 3 things:

YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS: I want to get to know you! In a typical session, we will start out talking about your hopes and dreams. What gets you excited? What are you most passionate about? Has God been calling you to do something that you haven’t been able to do because of your financial situation? It’s far more common than you think.

YOUR CURRENT SITUATION: After that, we will look at where you are right now. We take a detailed look at your income, spending, savings, budget, etc. We will identify and help you solve any current issues that you are facing.

GOALS: Finally, we will work together to form a plan and budget so that you can get from your current situation to your dream situation.

We will set some small, measurable, short and long-term goals to get you where you want to be. No matter what your financial situation is, everyone needs something to aim for.

Remember this quote from Zig Ziglar: “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”

So let’s make sure we are aiming for those hopes and dreams.

My ultimate goal is to get you into a position where you can freely serve God and enjoy the life He has blessed you with, without the chains that come from poor financial planning and decisions.

How Much Does Financial Coaching Cost?

On this website and our social media, we offer articles and strategies to help you be successful on your financial journey, completely free. We are a ministry first, and a business second. However, if you are someone who wants more personal and specialized help, then we do offer that help as a premium service.

We offer 1-hour sessions for only $85.00. Far below the average cable bill in Ohio today.

For comparison, the average filing fee for bankruptcy in Ohio is: $338 for chapter 7, and $313 for chapter 13. And that doesn’t include the attorney costs, which can quickly add up to a few thousand dollars depending on the attorney!

Maybe it’s time to invest in yourself and your future.

How Do I Get Started?

To get started, all you have to do is click here to set up an appointment. If you need more information, you can always contact me directly, and I will be more than happy to answer questions you may have.

You can also leave me questions or comments down below.

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